Thursday, December 22, 2011

Onthe 11th day of Christmas

On the 11th Day of scrapbook store gave to me...
Just two more days of giveaways...Today and Tomorrow...

Don't for get to leave a comment...
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Make sure you all make it in for our first ever make your own paper pack sale!  Just $4.00 for 25 sheets of any clearance paper!  That Teresa Collins, My Minds Eye, Echo Park.....and so many others!  You could really get a lot of projects done with this sale!

Our 10th Day of Christmas winner is:.
Jessica Stoddard


  1. I love Scrapbook Clearance Outlet, too! I'm trying to cross things off my Christmas To Do list so I can make it in there again this week. :) The $4.00 25 paper pack sale is just too good to not take advantage of! Thanks for all the great deals, Dora! :)
